Thursday, February 14, 2008

My sweet Kitti

So, since it's Valentine's day (for another hour still where I am), I thought I'd post about a very special person. As some of you might know, I’ve met someone. Her name is Kitti Control. I actually knew her for a while, but recently I got close to her, after Ralna suggested we might want to talk a bit since we have a lot in common. Boy, was she right. I swear Kitti and I are so alike it’s scary. We’re the same age, both like hypnosis (though she has a lot more firsthand experience with it then I do), and we both love dolls (being them I mean, LOL). There's times she's said something that I was thinking.

Kitti is wonderful. She has been helping me practice going deeper. She tends to make me her pet, or her doll. It really is a wonderful feeling. If there’s ever an issue with me being confused by a command, or feeling odd, Kitti helps by walking me through the problem. I’ve also been practicing hypnotizing her. Kitti has a lot of experience with being hypnotized, so she’s taught me a lot. I’m more confident hypnotizing her. She will give me guidance if I get stuck or need help.

Kitti is the love of my Second Life. We’re going to get married soon, likely at the end of the month. I want to do a ceremony, something official, but I’m not sure what. But, the thought of being a blushing bride to my wonderful Kitti makes me all tingly ;) I’m also going to give Kitti my collar as well. The thought of being her partner and her sub is a wonderful one.


Anonymous said...

Yay, awesome! =^.^=

Anonymous said...

srry yora ...still havnt caught up with you! ...mmm what to do? doll well !

-Pyewacket Kazyanenko