Still here? OK take a look. It's an ordinary looking fountain, right? Well, looks can be deceiving.
A short while after setting up, the fountain begins to produce cups of fresh clean water. If you drink one, then the surprise happens. You turn into a fountain!
Like the apple tree, it's all RLV enabled. So once you change, your stuck until you break the curse. And trust me that can be a really long time, hehehe. After a while you produce a cup of your own that someone else can take. If they drink it they turn into a fountain too!
If your interested in a fountain of your own, Amea is selling them at her store, Vexation. Here's the SLURL again. . She has them for $2000 right now, but I have a feeling that price might not last.
I installed one in the shop. Had three girls "stoned" at once at one point :)
Cool and very hot at the same time. This is another very good example of 'the more, the merrier'. :-)
Yora, you wouldn't happen to have a non-thumbnail of the cursed apple trees?
Shoot looks like theirs a problem somewhere with the picture. Give me a few and I'll post another one
Next up - inflatable dolls, and when you touch one, you become one? :-D
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