After a few days, I decided to get a few pics of me in the suit for my blog. I realized that the outfit just didn't look right without a leash and collar, though ;) So, while searching for anything puppygirl related, I stumbled across a place called the Puppygirl Adoption Center. I couldn't believe it! So I teleported there right away.
After looking around a bit, I did something I still can't believe I did; I put myself up for adoption! I'm so nervous, but so excited. I really hope I get adopted. The thought of becoming someones pet just seems so right, like it's the next step I need to take. After I finished filling out the form, I went shopping, picking up the collar that was recommended. I IMed Leticia and asked if she would help me with a few pictures, specifically if she's hold my leash ;) She was a great sport, and I think the photos came out great.
The thing I really like about the collar I got is the fact that when you first wear it, your name is engraved on it! I know you can change what it says, which is good, in case my potential new owner wants to rename me.
Well, everyone keep your fingers crossed for me. I can't wait to find out if I get adopted!
*Barks and bounds over, sniffing and panting to the new puppygirl*
(IM me Bec Sands (in SL) - I think we have some common interests ;) )
Where do you get the puppy girl stuff at message me on Tyrex Ergaron
yes please post where you picked this up! its so cute
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